Sunday, April 28, 2013

Abercombie's shirtless ads

I thought that Abercombie & Fitch was a store that sells clothes, but this ad has shirtless people. What, I don’t get it. Well most of there ads that they have include shirtless men or a little of clothing that is worn. But is it necessary to have this picture. Most of Abercombie’s pictures end up as a design for their bags.

How does this picture attract consumers?  Well, first of all the brand, “Abercombie & Fitch” is a reification itself. When that name is heard or seen in ads, commercials, on clothing; people think of it as this brand is so amazing that all the clothes are made from good material. This reminds me of a fallacy, which is ad populum. Why? Because since a lot people wear this brand then this brand is cool to wear. No! that does not make this brand “cool”

The image above follows a basic appeal for advertising. Which is need for sex, because it shows a picture of guy and lady shirtless and right on top of each other. I think next time they should have people wearing their close to promote their clothes that they are selling, instead of them having no clothes. At first I thought it was a store of intimate clothes, since most of the guys are shirtless. But if they want the consumers to have  the right impression then they should think what image to have on their bags.

Boston Marathon Bombing

These couple of weeks the news channels has been filled with reports on the tragic event that happen, the Boston Marathon bombing. There has been so many news reports on it. Some talk about the victims who died, others talk about the bombers, and others talk about what are they going to do next. This is a series topic that no one should joke around with, but others treat it like if it was a movie, making a movie trailer of it. Well that is what it seems to me in this video clip.

The beginning of the clip starts off with the bomb. Which makes the viewer want to watch the news report more especially after it says a “saying its absolutely chaotic.” Also they show the runners running around for protection, the firefighters helping the people, people screaming. All of these images are overwhelming. Other news media are showing the injured people missing body parts. What! Oh, its ok to show to millions of people that but not the war. In my opinion its ok to show a couple to let the public know what’s happening. Although I think that it shouldn't be over use like replaying it every time like this one

Back to the video clip above. The video makes it seem like this event was part of a movie by saying this, “Seven will break into programs to bring you the latest pictures. See it first on an extended seven news.” The “latest picture” this what all news report are trying to do, to get all the pictures they could. Is this a competition between news channels, who gets the most recent coverage on it?

The Boston Marathon Bombing has impacted a lot of people, and apparently the new media too. Trying to see who could get the latest news. The media are trying if they could get videos on the bombing. To have pictures on who were responsible. Its ok to have all of these, but not to over use them. In my opinion it seems that they are just replaying it over and over just get more viewers, but is this helping? I know that this is a tragic event that people should be alert of but I hope the media does it better job on showing their reports on it.

More Flexibly With Nike Shoes. What!

Oh how people love Nike! Nike shoes, Nike shorts, Nike everything is what I see commonly students wear at school. I myself own Nike products. Nike is always coming up with new shoes that are light and flexible. Now they made Nike Free TR Breathe Shoe! What is Nike Free TR Breathe Shoe? Let me explain that they are the most flexible shoes that will move at any motion that feet are doing. Well, accordingly to the video it is. Not only the shoes are flexible but also Gabby Douglas, a gold medalists at the Summer Olympics of 2012, shows off her gymnastics' abilities. The caption that Nike has for the video is “When things don’t go according to plan gymnast Gabby Douglas gets flexible in the Nike Free TR Breathe Shoe”

The Nike company are trying to persuade consumers to buy this shoes. How? By saying that they are so flexible that the shoes even flex as the same capability as Gabby Douglas. Gabby Douglas is displayed in this video to make people think that if she wears them then they truly flexible. Also by the quote they use, they are saying that when plans go wrong Douglas rely on the shoes to make things better. The Nike video uses a basic appeal that advertisement use and that is the need to achieve. Need to achieve ads usually have a sports figure, which in this case is Gabby Douglas, who is projecting the product,  the Nike shoes.

At the end of the video they put “Nike Free”. They use that quote as to resemble two things, the quote is an ambiguity. First, that the shoes are also useful in many ways. For, example, to open doors like how Douglas did it herself. Second that they are “free” which means the shoes are flexible to move anywhere they want. The shoes are not stiff where the foot has to one place all the time. Also the word “Nike” is reification because just the word itself symbolizes a brand that is very popular so it must be a good brand.

At the end of the video it says, “Ultimate Flexibility”. Nike reinforces the idea of flexibility of the shoes by saying it directly and at the end.  By now people are thinking, “Wow, those shoes are so flexible, they must be very nice to wear. I have to buy them because Gabby has them.” If she has them so what. You don’t need to buy them because she has them, it won’t the person more flexible than they are. “But they are really nice! I love the color!” is what people say when they buy something.

Overall, Nike always try to have athletics wear their products, so that consumers look up to them and buy Nike products to feel they could also achieve like the sport figures. Having the shoes won’t make a difference of increasing  one’s flexibility, shown in the video. Next time, who will they use to make their products be desirable to consumers?